
Orienteering is a sport based on finding specific points only with the help of a map and a compass. It is a modern sport modality different from the others because its playing field takes place in natural areas and the player chooses the path to be followed inside the nature, creating a mental and playful component capable of attracting a great number of participants. It has a huge acceptance by people of all ages and genders. 
Nevertheless, such sport is not widespread in Brazil. The School of Physical Education's team is a role-model in it. Besides,UFRJ‘s club of orienteering is the current leader in the national and state ranking. This situation may have to do with the fact that UFRJ was one of the first Schools, among Brazilian universities, to introduce an orienteering team.

Coordination: José Maria Pereira da Silva

Contact: equipeorientacaoufrj[at]gmail.com